Religious ideas such as; "Treat others as you would be treated." are highly regarded by Panpartism as we believe we are all in fact the same being. Each person is our being in different situations and with different viewpoints, seperated by time and space, because our bodies unlike our 'soul' are made of mass.
- Teachings regarding prayer and meditation help us to quiet our 3D body and mind. With enough practice we can view reality less from our bodies of mass and more from the position of no mass. Enlightenment through meditation describes reality solely from our higher dimensional self.
- Hallucinogenic compounds, particularly DMT (ayahuasca) have been used by cultures for thousands of years. We believe these can be used as an aid to achieve higher dimensional conscious states without the need for meditation. However we also condone the over-frequent use of any drug. An annual spiritual ayahuasca experience, along with a detox and spiritual cleanse, is recommended to people who believe they can benefit from it. (Ayahuasca is proved not to be addictive.)
- As we consider us all to be one being, we must treat each other as such. If you go to a doctor with a broken ankle, you do not ask him for a facelift, you fix the ankle. Likewise, if there are people who are starving in the world, we should not give tax breaks to billionaires, we should feed the hungry and then help them feed themselves. They then are also in a better situation to help others.
- The idea that people are starving in the same world in which 1 person can build himself a rocket to the moon on a whim, is nothing short of a travesty. Our 4D self is ashamed of us.
-As we are all different parts of the same being, we all have a responsibility to the parts of us that need attention. Every time you help.someone else, you are actually helping everyone, including yourself.
- Our 3D bodies want comfort, safety, abundance, entertainment and sex. This is understandable, they are all the things a body needs to thrive. This is fine in moderation, but don't forget that our 4D soul has needs too. The viewpoint of the 4D allows us to see all and different perspectives, not just one.
-Someone more enlightened than others will thirst for empathy, compassion, love, innovation and creativity. Anything to increase their viewpoint of reality. A less enlightened person will desire material things for their material body.
- Unfortunately, the traits which reward most in our society do not tally well with traits of the enlightened. The most powerful people in the world are, unavoidably, the people who desire power the most. And the wealthiest are those who desire material wealth the most. What's more, these people are highly respected and almost worshipped for their ability to attract as much wealth to themselves as they possibly can. To a panartisan it is important to spread the knowledge of love, compassion, equality and forgiveness.
- Forgiveness is extremely important in Panpartism. In an extreme case if someone were to kill another it is a bad decision and we move to a worse reality. If someone reacts to that with more revenge we again move to an even worse reality. These blood feuds can continue in families through centuries and they are rife with negative externalities. All it takes is one person to stop the Newton's cradle of destruction and forgive the other party. This one decision could potentially put us in a new reality where hundreds of murders were not committed. We all need to see the bigger picture and forgive. Circumstances are irrelevant when compared to state of being.
-Every human's wellbeing, safety and happiness is the responsibility of every other human. The level of responsibility of each human is proportional to the difference they are able to make in any given situation. If there were a sin, it would be measured by the gap between the amount someone cares for everyone and the amount they care from themselves.
• For example, a disabled person needing help in their home is most easily helped by their local community and family. It is their responsibility.
• A billionaire with properties all over the world has a much higher level of responsibility to the rest of the world than a pauper has and even less to himself. However that pauper has a higher level of responsibility to feed his dog as he is in the situation to do so.
•If someone is feeling low, it is the responsibility of everyone who meets them or even passes them in the street, to lift their spirits.
Imagine living in a world where the moment you fall down, everyone is there to pick you up. Imagine feeling safe and loved by everyone because we all know we are the same being. This is possible, we can evolve.